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Com-Names - About Us

“Our mission is to provide the quality products to the end user without any cost and we are doing our best to assure that end user should get full satisfaction while using our services.”      
                                                                             Com-Names Team.  


We felt that a portal should be available to the internet users which could meet according to their needs without spending a penny. This motive created the Com-Names. In this portal, we tried our best to fulfill the needs by providing all the related products of daily usage for internet users i.e. Software, Pc Suites, Games, Antivirus, Desktop Up-gradation Software, Designing, Printing, Editing Software, Browsing Software etc. The important thing which we kept into our mind is that all should remain free and visitors/users of our portal should be able to download them on just one click. Although, some of them are already free available for users, but we tried for the provision of latest products and versions which are usually being charged on largest portals.

After completing the first session, in 2nd session we will try our best to create helpful tutorials for our users to learn the methods to use these Software, Suites, and Antivirus etc. We are much hopeful that we will success in our session.
Finally in last session our efforts will be that we could get from our users, how they want to see this portal much better in future and we will try to load more features for our users to facilitate them after getting more ideas.
Hope we will be successful in our mission. Currently we are providing services to our users from our home town Lahore, Pakistan, and to hear about any issues or problems through our Contact Us Page.

1 comment:

  1. very good site with lots of interesting tips which is helpful..The documents you have your page are very interesting, about anything and everything it is.. , Thank you


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