Fast paced revolver duels using historically accurate firearms, horseback riding and stealth action in memorable locations set after Western movies...
is a First Person Shooter for PC, inspired from the greatest movies of the Western genre. has it all. Check out this Multiplayer Demo, premiered on FilePlanet! It is the first 'serious' and the most realistic adaptation of the genre. Developed by Techland Studio, the game draws on the major themes of the American Wild West through confrontation between the two principal emblematic characters. While the game focuses on a high level of realism with its incredible graphics, environments and overall look, the gameplay has not been neglected, and players will enjoy a great gaming experience with duels and shoot-outs, wild horseback antics and a great Western atmosphere.
License: Demo
Language: English
OS: Win2000, XP
Game Size: 377 MB
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is a First Person Shooter for PC, inspired from the greatest movies of the Western genre. has it all. Check out this Multiplayer Demo, premiered on FilePlanet! It is the first 'serious' and the most realistic adaptation of the genre. Developed by Techland Studio, the game draws on the major themes of the American Wild West through confrontation between the two principal emblematic characters. While the game focuses on a high level of realism with its incredible graphics, environments and overall look, the gameplay has not been neglected, and players will enjoy a great gaming experience with duels and shoot-outs, wild horseback antics and a great Western atmosphere.
Language: English
OS: Win2000, XP
Game Size: 377 MB
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